* 2004/01/12
-Grrrroar. That means i have to do homework...which means that i probably won't until later tonight...no fun folks. Grrrrr.
#By Justin on 2004/04/28 at 02:37:17

I realy don't have one exept cuz this post is from like 3 months ago, I just wanted to say hi found your site on the web, and its pretty cool. yea thats it aim:justindr84

#By 10lees on 2004/06/30 at 13:56:27

So I am asuming you still get these emails, but you know what you should do? That's right: update!! :-) I want to know how all your guard stuff went. I still have a letter than I wrote to you in April but never sent off because someone wouldn't send me your address, though I won't say who... and I only asked once over IMs and I never know if they got the message... so really it's probably my fault. Anyway I hope you are doing well and are having fun now that you aren't marching around!

#By Jeremy on 2004/07/05 at 22:14:15

Hmm. The fact that you didn't have her address probably means you didn't respond to her list of people to get updates (her mom sent out something early on). That said, I agree that updates to the site are needed.

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